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Are You Crazy?

Maybe. Possibly. I really don’t know where to start with all of this so I’m just gonna start at the beginning and pretty much how I got to where I am now and let me just say that anything that you’re probably thinking of about this trip, I’m sure I went over those same exact thoughts in my head at least a good ten times. I’m gonna be straight up and say that all of this started from watching Wild. I don’t think a lot of people hiking the Pacific Crest Trail will admit that or want to because they don’t want to be grouped into that but to be completely honest I had no idea about all these long distance hiking trails (Pct, Cdt, At) throughout the states. I saw the movie back in September and didn’t immediately think “oh man this is something I have to go do.” In fact I don’t even think the thought of hiking the trail was there when I watched it. So about two weeks later I ended up watching it again and thought it was just an awesome idea and was curious of what went into a trip like this. So over the the next two months I researched every little detail about this trail and once I started breaking it down little by little I realized it really wasn’t that out of reach. Maybe the idea of all this seemed like it, but in reality it really wasn’t so bad. I felt like a mad man researching this trip and right around December I knew that if I was going to commit to this idea I couldn’t get keep thinking about it and had to just go for it. Now, if you’re gonna ask if I have any backpacking experience, the answer is no. Not to this extent at least. So then why do it or not do half the trail if I’ve never done this before? Well if I’m going to take the time to plan this I’m sure not gonna plan half the trails worth. It just doesn’t make sense, at least not to me.  There’s a lot of unknown heading into this trip and I think that’s one thing I’m looking forward too but also scares the shit out of me as it should. Not that I have it made or living lavish, but some days I feel like I got it good. And not that that’s a bad thing by any means, but to me I don’t feel like I’m really being tested on a level that helps me grow as a person anymore and I’d like to see that when it comes down to it, am I full of shit or can I hold my own. One thing that drives me insane is routine without progression and I feel like I’m right at that point in my life. I have ideas on what comes next, but I figure before I make my next big move in life why not just take some time off. I’m 23 with no obligations or little ones running around and I know I love the outdoors enough to even consider an idea like this so I really couldn’t think of a better time to do this then now. So now for the next question I keep getting….you’re doing this alone? Yes I’m doing this alone and I already know what you’re thinking. I’ll just leave it at this, some people hear that and can totally relate to it and it wouldn’t bother them. The other half of people though, can’t even begin to wrap their heads around this idea and that’s perfectly fine. When all is said and done, I truly enjoy my own company and my time to myself. The idea of being out there alone  sounds extremly refreshing to me. Just to get away from everything and not have to be tied down to anything.  Also there’s about 2000-3000 people that attempt the trail each year so I don’t think I’ll be alone as much as people are thinking. At least not for the first 700 miles. But back to the trail. The Pacific Crest Trail runs from the southern terminus at the border of Mexico going through all of California, Oregon and Washington. It ends 8 miles past the Canadian bored for a total of 2658 miles which takes approximately 5-6 months to complete. Seeing as I have a Dwi on my record though, I’m not allowed into Canada… So in that case I’ll be shooting for 2650 miles where the official northern terminus monument is right at the Border of Washington/Canada, unless I’m feeling risky and just decide to do the 8 miles into Canada. The entire trail will be hiked on foot and about every 5-6 days I’ll be in a new town to pick up food and resupply for the up coming week. A lot of people keep asking if I’m going to blog and upload pictures and videos and all that good stuff. The answer is yes, but to a degree. Another reason for heading out there is to disconnect from everything especially social media and electronics. Everywhere you go people have there heads down in there phones  and no ones talking to each other anymore. And thats some scary shit when you start to think long term in the direction thats headed, but that’s a topic for another day. I’m not gonna sit here and try and sound like I don’t contribute to that because some days I’m just as guilty which is why it’ll be nice to disconnect for a bit. Whenever I do get the chance though and make it into new towns or find the time to update everything I will. I plan to keep this entire trip authentic to myself concerning the blogs mostly and the things I write about. At the end of the day I can sit here and give you a million reasons on why I’m attempting to thru-hike this trail, but the main reason above all the others is the sense of freedom that comes with this and I can’t even begin to tell you what that means to me. I mostly  wrote this post to get the ball rolling on things and inform anybody that I haven’t told yet. My next post on here will be my first post from out on the trail which I start April 18th so maybe a week or two after that. I’ll be updating mostly through Facebook or Instagram and if you got some time to kill, the documentary below is the best one that I’ve watched out of the bunch. Absolutely amazing. See you later fam.







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